XBOX Trumps PS3 With PrimeTime Gaming and Prizes HipHopGamer Gives The Details

11 08 2008

Achievements has been around for a while now but you still get nothing for them. Sony has now introduced trophies which is good but still not great considering it’s not a universal feature standard for all games, also you still get nothing for them. Well i’m hear to tell you that XBOX with there primetime gaming channel you can actually recieve real prizes for your hard work in games so unless Sony allow you to buy content from the playstation store or the upcoming home with the trophies that you do win, then XBOX360 once again will have a edge in the online portion of the console war. Check This Out




4 responses

12 08 2008
VVV Parabladez

Nice article and video.

I myself traded my 360 for a PS3 and haven’t looked back, however i agree that this will push Microsoft and Xbox live a little further from Sony’s reach, but to be honest i don’t think sony ever really have a chance of capturing the real essence of online gameplay due to the fact Microsoft have been in the online business for along time 🙂

12 08 2008

They really beefed up their online.
Sony really has to step up their game and really work on their online.(ex… trophies mandatory)or to be able to buy cheap psn games with your own trophis that you have.

12 08 2008

@vvv parabladez

i know it will be hard but sony might be able to catch up.if not this generation than the next say they won’t because Microsoft has been doing it longer is like saying that Microsoft won’t ever beat Sony in the games department because sony has been doing it longer.they might not be able to do it this generation but if they work hard and actually try to get more first party studio’s next generation instead of just buying 3rd party games which should be multiplat anyways than the 720 and ps4 could end-up more equall and there might be less fanboys because they will want lots of games for both and won’t stick to just one.

13 08 2008

can you win a beta for Home from this thing? at the end of the day, Home will become the standard for online gaming, infact it already is and isnt even out yet. MS tried to copy like every feature they could with the part system and avatar and all that, but still falls short.

this is cool tho, im sure sony will throw some type of prize area out there when Home is released. win items for your home, win controllers for your ps3, games, whatever. all the money they will be pulling in from advertisers, they wont know what to do with the money.

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