Getting To Know HipHopGamer Vol 2 Proof: Nintendo Wii Sells more cause of price as opposed to product

18 08 2008

Here’s a little something for my fans and friends and gamers all around the world 1luv and god bless.

Adam Sessler vs Geoff Keighley HipHopGamer Presents Journalist Battles

12 08 2008

You have the Console Wars, you have the Developer Wars, now the HipHopGamer is here to bring even more excitement and raw energy to the gaming industry with The Journalist Battles. Round 1 Adam Sessler vs Geoff Keighley look at some of there highlights as journalist and then you decide. I hope you really enjoy this



I think both are great and both videos are very different but this is how it’s gonna be judged.

There will be NO RATING SYSTEM between these two Gentlemen. Let The Fans have there voice and speak and who ever give the most comments on this topic in favor of Adam Sessler or Geoff Keighley They will be the Champion until next week  where i chose someone else for the opportunity to take the title. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS

Getting To Know The HipHopGamer

11 08 2008

click this link to hear some tracks from my myspace page hiphopgamer

HipHopGamer Shows Why Cheat Codes will Increase Game Sales Kane & Lynch is the Victim

8 08 2008

Let’s say you rent a game right. Games that are challenging are always great but some games are too challenging to the point where the fun is gone from them. Imagine playing a game with a great story line, good graphics, but the gameplay SUCKS so bad to the point where you give it back to GAMESTOP. If and only if there was a cheat code device for infinite health or something like that you could’ve at least gotten through that part and then turned the health back off for challenging purposes, but the point is you would’ve kept that game just to be able to finish the story. Right or Wrong? The fact that you would’ve kept that game means that you would have brought that game which means sales. Kane and Lynch will be my Victim for this post although the game sold a million i got rid of it and i’m a show you Hands – on Why? Oh Yeah Make sure you look at the main part at 3:25 seconds of this video click ok now go watch.

Now if i had infinite health at least just for that part. I would’ve gone down there and just when Al Pacino scarface on there @$$ but instead i kept dying and dying got frustrated and sold the game back. What upsets me is that the game had a great story and i really wanted to finish it also who ever beta tested this game deserves to get slapped lol lol. So please Sony or Microsoft work with a third party company like Pelican Codebreaker, or Action Replay Max and bring back the cheat devices and don’t forget. All cheats are automatically configured to be off during online play and trust me more games would sell because even games that’s garbage will probably sell more because at the end of the day you’ll still finish the game, Just like reading a book what if you got a book and one of the pages were in japanese after reading all English hey use a cheat code turn japanese into to english finish the book and call it a day like i said more sales and more power to the consumer. TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THAT.

Marc Witten gives HipHopGamer Exclusive Look at the New XBOX Dashboard Check It Out

7 08 2008